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Eye and Ear Health

Signs of Potential Vision Problems in Kids

Recognizing the Signs of Potential Vision Problems in Kids Good vision is essential for children’s overall development, academic performance, and quality of life. However, vision problems can often go unnoticed, especially in young children who may not be able...

May 07, 2024
Read More on Signs of Potential Vision Problems in Kids

Getting Care

Why Do Babies Rub Their Eyes?

Understanding the Little Ones’ Eye-Rubbing Habit As a parent, you’ve likely observed your baby rubbing their eyes with those adorable little hands. But have you ever wondered why they do it? In this blog post, we’ll delve into the...

April 28, 2024
Read More on Why Do Babies Rub Their Eyes?

Eye and Ear Health

Early Eye Exams for Children

The Importance of Early Eye Exams for Children As parents, we prioritize our children’s health and well-being, but often overlook the importance of their eye health. Early detection of vision problems is crucial for ensuring optimal development and academic...

April 17, 2024
Read More on Early Eye Exams for Children

Getting Care

Discover when your child should have their first eye exam

When Should Your Child Have Their First Eye Exam? As parents, we’re always vigilant about our children’s health. We schedule regular check-ups, vaccinations, and dental appointments, but what about their eyesight? Many parents overlook the importance of regular eye...

March 07, 2024
Read More on Discover when your child should have their first eye exam
Mother holding her blue-eyed baby on her shoulder

Getting Care

Dilation for Pediatric Eye Exams & What You Need To Know

Children’s eye exams are important for many reasons. Kids need to see clearly to learn and develop. Without sharp vision and a fully functional visual system, children can struggle with reading, writing, playing sports, and socializing confidently. If your kid...

February 15, 2022
Read More on Dilation for Pediatric Eye Exams & What You Need To Know
child in eye patch

Vision Care

Does Your Child Need an Eye Patch?

If your child has been diagnosed with amblyopia (“lazy eye”), wearing an eyepatch may be necessary. The principle is that by blocking the vision of the better-seeing eye, the visual system in the brain related to the worse-seeing eye will...

February 10, 2022
Read More on Does Your Child Need an Eye Patch?
mother laughing with a baby

Eye and Ear Health

Should you be concerned if your baby’s eyes shake?

Nystagmus is a condition where the eyes shake involuntarily. It can appear in babies and children as early as 6 weeks and present as a vertical, horizontal, or even a rotary shake. If you notice your baby’s eyes shaking,...

February 06, 2022
Read More on Should you be concerned if your baby’s eyes shake?
two eye ball cartoons side by side and one is looking at the other

Advances in Eye Care

What to Expect After Your Child’s Strabismus (Eye Muscle) Surgery

What is Strabismus Surgery Strabismus surgery loosens or tightens eye muscles, changing the alignment of the eyes. What Kind Of Anesthesia Is Used For Strabismus Surgery? The type of anesthesia depends on patient age and health as well as...

February 01, 2022
Read More on What to Expect After Your Child’s Strabismus (Eye Muscle) Surgery
Image of baby looking up and to the left with a blue background

Eye and Ear Health

What is this bump near my baby’s eye?

A dermoid is an overgrowth of normal, non-cancerous tissue that forms in an abnormal location. They can occur all over the body and are usually composed of skin, hair and/or fat. There are two different types that can form...

January 22, 2022
Read More on What is this bump near my baby’s eye?
young girl smiling and wearing eyeglasses after an eye exam at an optical shop

Eye and Ear Health

How Often Should My Child Have Eye Exams?

Are you starting to wonder when to bring your child in for an eye exam? If you’ve noticed signs that your child might have vision problems, it’s probably time to bring your child in for an eye exam.  Why...

January 10, 2022
Read More on How Often Should My Child Have Eye Exams?