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What is a Mini Facelift?

It has many names – “weekend facelift,” “quick lift,” or “lifestyle lift” but no matter what you call it, the technical term – “mini facelift” – treats mild-to-moderate signs of aging on the face. A mini facelift is a less-invasive procedure as compared to a facelift, and can be performed in a few hours and is a fantastic option for men and women who are starting to notice aging changes and want a nice improvement in their appearance without a drastic transformation. It’s also a good option for those who may need a more extensive procedure, such as a full facelift, but don’t have the time or desire to go through the bigger surgery and opt instead for a mini facelift.

Are You a Good Candidate for a Mini Facelift?

The ideal candidate for a mini-facelift is a younger individual with sagging jowls and minimal signs of aging in the neck area. A mini-facelift is not recommended for those with more severe facial wrinkling, loose skin in the neck, or wrinkling in the eye area as these concerns would benefit from a traditional facelift approach. A mini facelift uses smaller incisions, costs less, and has a shorter recovery period than a traditional full facelift. At SightMD, specialists known as “oculofacial plastic surgeons” can perform mini facelifts to rejuvenate and refresh your face. For more dramatic results, you might consider combining a mini facelift with another procedure – such as laser skin resurfacing or eyelid surgery.

face lift results preview

Our Surgical Technique

Your assigned surgeon would perform an SMAS (superficial muscular aponeurotic system) mini facelift while you are under IV sedation in an SightMD facility. Based on your individual goals, your surgeon will remove excess skin, fat, and tissue before smoothing the facial muscles and remaining skin.

What to Expect During a mini-facelift procedure?

Mini facelift surgery is performed on an outpatient basis in our in-office operating suite and generally takes between two-to-three hours to complete. You will likely be able to return home to recover after having been observed and checked after the procedure. Your eye surgeon and staff members at SightMD will advise you on the best aftercare practices you should follow, as well as scheduling a post-operative follow-up.

What is the average recovery associated with a mini-facelift procedure?

The recovery time associated with a mini-facelift is significantly shorter than that of more traditional facelift surgical techniques. Most facelift patients experience one week of acute symptoms, and can return to public outings and work within one week. Limitations on strenuous physical activity may be recommended for up to two to three weeks.

Mini Facelift Before & After Photos

See before and after a Mini Facelift photos of people who trusted our doctors at SightMD for their procedure. Contact us to learn more about how a Mini Facelift can help you regain your confidence!

Mini Facelift Before & After Photos

What are the potential side effects of a mini-facelift procedure?

Possible side effects following a mini-facelift include bruising and swelling, redness, disturbances in sensation, tightness, sensitivity, nerve damage, and facial asymmetry.

What can someone expect from the results of a mini-facelift procedure?

The mini facelift is a more conservative procedure, you should see a more natural improvement than you would with a full facelift. The mini facelift subtly enhances and defines your face, so you look younger and more attractive – but not “overdone.” Since a mini facelift surgically tightens your skin, the results are quite long-lasting however, the natural effects of aging and gravity will continue, and you may begin to start seeing wrinkles and sagging again. After a few years, you may decide to use injectables – like wrinkle fillers and wrinkle relaxers – to help maintain your results. The results of a mini-facelift will be noticeable immediately after the procedure and may last up to 10 years, but will change naturally with aging, use, gravity, and sun exposure.

Contact SightMD today to schedule an appointment with one of our doctors to discuss your Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery options at one of our convenient locations!